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Product Description

The wheel-e traction device allows you easy and independent progress in your own wheelchair. Be it pavements, forest trails or paths through a meadow, up or down hills: The comfortable BionX P 250 drive system pulls the wheelchair and user without the use of muscle power. It is operated via a throttle grip on the handlebars. The drive system provides high torque of up to 40 Nm and runs silently.

You can choose from various rechargeable batteries with a range of up to 80 km. The twin rechargeable batteries have a change-over plug connection , so that you can switch between both batteries in just a few simple steps. Downhill, the recuperation (battery charging) can be activated in 4 stages. The recuperation increases the range by 10 to 15 % and reduces the work the braking system has to do on the hill. Powerful and high-quality brakes taken from bicycle manufacture ensure precise braking and a safe ride.

The wheel-e is delivered with a display showing the electrical drive system, this supports a maximum speed of 6 km/h. With this equipment, the wheel-e can be used in public areas and on the road. As an option, an additional display with a maximum speed of 15 km/h or 24 km/h can be ordered for use on private property. The displays can be quickly and easily swapped over depending on where they are being used.

The steering column is available in various lengths and the angle can be adjusted. This allows the optimal steering position for every user to be found.

The adaptation of the wheel-e to the wheelchair is done in a few steps using a PRO ACTIV front or central adapter. If a PRO ACTIV adapter is fitted for another PRO ACTIV product with an appropriate wheel size, this can also be used for the wheel-e. The adapter can be removed from the wheelchair in a few steps for transportation and the adapter can be uncoupled from the wheel-e. With a packing weight from 14.3 kg (without batteries and adapter) and its small packing size, the wheel-e is easily stowed.

A comprehensive range of accessories are available, also specially designed ones for functionally-restricted users.

Manufacturer PROACTIV
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